
The Schedule For Preparing the Final

Today, I have, as before, made the schedule for the final.

The preparing will begin on June 30th and end on, of course, July 19th, 20 days in total.
I'll work for 8 hours per day on average for this. I can, sometimes, spend 10 hours working, but the extra 2 hours will be used on my academic studying. That is, I'll spend 160 hours on the preparation.

I still have five subjects to review: English, Marxism Philosophy, Non-linear Science and Complexity, Electrodynamics and Quantum Mechanics. I will spend relatively less time on English and Complexity, to save time for tougher ones.

The detailed schedule, as my secret, will not be released.

However, the schedule has made me exhilarating as before, when I found I have so much time to use!
